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MaxiMenu KnowledgeBase – Menu Doesn't Appear

If you see a blank empty space or an error when attempting to view your menu in a browser, it is usually a common issue with a simple solution.  We recommend that you check for each problem in order.

Common issue #1: Supporting files aren't uploaded

If you're previewing on your server, double-check that you remembered to upload the maximenu2_files/ supporting files folder (it will be located in your site's home folder).  Upload the folder and the menu should appear properly.  Note also that these files should be re-uploaded after making changes to a menu.

Common issue #2: Incorrect preview in browser settings

If you're using Dreamweaver's Preview in Browser feature and all you see is a gray rectangle with a broken image icon where the menu should appear, this is due to an incorrect setting in the Dreamweaver preferences.  To resolve the problem, select Edit > Preferences... (Windows) or Dreamweaver > Preferences... (Mac).  In the Preferences dialog that opens, select the Preview in Browser section and disable the Preview Using Temporary File option.

Still having trouble?

If none of the above problems seem to be the issue, please contact support using the link below; be sure to include the URL of the page with the problem.

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